LegalNeeds Continues its Success with yet another Bumper Year in and moves into Virtual Reality!
In an ever increasing and fascinating VR and AR World, LegalNeeds has now joined the MetaVerse and enjoy working in a whole new world!...

International Loss Adjustors...
We now are providing once again due to popular demand from previous customers: We also provide system design and consultation to...

Another Bumper Year for LegalNeeds!
Going from country to country not so much now we are all remote working but going from strength to strength creating Bumper Years!.......

SRA Warning Notice
SRA Warning Notice

Solicitor fined after merger...
This is yet another reason why you should rely upon LEGALNEEDS Legal Cashier Services to manage your Accounts Transactions, it would not...

New LegalNeeds Bilingual Website is now live! / Gwefan ddwyieithog newydd LegalNeeds yn awr yn fyw!
We are pleased to offer an option to switch our website from English text to Wales/Cymraeg. We also invite any speaker of Welsh to offer...
SRA Warning on "Tax Avoidance"